Introductory Post

Hello Fellow Inquisitive Minds!

My name is Tristan Mitchell, and I am a catholic student enrolled in the Oregon State University Honors College. I am entering my sixth year there and am currently working towards degrees in Biology, Psychology, and Philosophy. My path towards this curriculum has been very convoluted (see bio for more info). Nevertheless, I will be graduating from OSU with a strong interest in the mind and how it relates to my catholic faith. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of these fields, my blog posts will be relevant towards a variety of topics, including but not limited to Psychology, Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Biology, Decision Science, Mindfulness, Positivity, and countless other topics. I look forward to the opportunity to share what I have learned about the fascinating brain and how it relates to my faith, as well as your contributions and thoughts to the content of this website. We’ll be in touch!

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