The Biopsychosocial Model of Well-Being 09/21/20

What is the biopsychosocial model of well-being, and how can it be implemented into my own life? The biopsychosocial model, although it is certainly a mouthful to say, is a very useful model to implement into your everyday life. On the surface, it seems to be very complicated, but I will break it down so … Continue reading The Biopsychosocial Model of Well-Being 09/21/20

The Power of Positive Psychology

What is Positive Psychology, and how can it be implemented into my own life? While this blog touches on several topics relating to the mind and well-being, I think it is very fitting to alter and repost this topic on “The Power of Positive Psychology.” This is mostly because the topic was one of my … Continue reading The Power of Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology Through Christianity

How can a relationship with Jesus address negative events in our lives and positively impact our mental health? As I was writing this for an opportunity to be a guest blogger on "The Godly Chic Diaries," I was very happy with the writing that was produced. I will be submitting this to the author of … Continue reading Positive Psychology Through Christianity

PERMA Theory And the Mind-Body Connection

How can an increased understanding of PERMA Theory benefit my overall physical and mental well-being? I concluded my last post titled "The Inevitable Mind-Body Connection" with the thought that positive thoughts could help individuals live healthier lives overall. I mentioned PERMA theory, but did not go in depth with this topic specifically. So, the idea … Continue reading PERMA Theory And the Mind-Body Connection

The Pursuit of Happiness

What does it mean to be happy, and how can I make strides towards achieving my own happiness? It is written in the second paragraph of the U.S. constitution "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among … Continue reading The Pursuit of Happiness

Finding Meaning In the Mundane

How can I live a more fulfilling life when I am stuck in the same day-to-day routine? There are times when we have all felt like we are in somewhat of a rut. Whether that be at work, in school, or in our extracurricular activities, there are times when we get just plain tired of … Continue reading Finding Meaning In the Mundane

How to Administer Cognitive Therapy… To Yourself

What is Cognitive Therapy, and how can I use it to enhance my outlook on life? The use of the term "therapy" refers to relieving some sort of pain or disorder. This can include brain stimulation therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and somatic therapy, among several others. From the names of these, it sounds as if a … Continue reading How to Administer Cognitive Therapy… To Yourself